Thursday, January 10, 2013

Openstack - Running Devstack in VMWare with Ubuntu and KVM faster!

After creating an Ubuntu 12.04 Precise default install on my VMware Fusion I noticed that the performance was never up to par to do development. I found later that there were some missing options that will allow the virtual machine to be much more performant.

Here is what I did to make a build go from about 10 minutes to about 2 minutes.

Shutdown the Ubuntu VM.

Go to the VM Settings -> Processors & Memory -> Advanced Options

Check the "Enable hypervisor applications in this virtual machine"

There is one other option that may improve your performance overall as well.

Updating the Troubleshooting option is optional as it may cover up CPU lock up issues that I have seen in VMware.

Go to the VM Settings -> Advanced 
Set the "Troubleshooting" option to "None"

I would suggest after setting these create a snapshot so that in cases where things break down you can revert to a clean snapshot.

Boot up the VM and run the devstack installation.

To verify that KVM is setup properly after the devstack installation you can run these commands.

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ kvm-ok 
INFO: /dev/kvm exists
KVM acceleration can be used

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